Teresa Kohnle: Life, Career, Net Worth, Height, Bio/Wiki 2024

Teresa Kohnle: Life, Career, Net Worth, Height, Bio/Wiki 2024

Teresa Kohnle’s story is quite dramatic and has captured the attention of many people. Her life changed dramatically in 2007 when she was involved in a very serious case. This case was about a fire that led to the tragic death of her husband, James Kohnle. Let’s dive into Teresa Kohnle’s life and understand more about who she is, her early life, and what has happened in her life.

Who is Teresa Kohnle?

Teresa Kohnle became known to the public when she was accused of a serious crime. In 2007, Teresa was arrested for a crime called first-degree arson, which means setting fire to a building on purpose. The fire was so severe that it led to the death of her husband, James Kohnle. At that time, Teresa and James had been married for about ten years and had two children together. Teresa worked as a massage therapist in her husband’s chiropractic office in Dalton, Georgia. This case brought her into the spotlight and made her a well-known figure in the news.

Teresa Kohnle’s story is important because it shows how dramatic events can change people’s lives. The case was a significant event because it involved a serious crime and a tragic loss. Her life before the incident was different, but everything changed with the fire. People wanted to know more about her life, her family, and what led to the fire. Teresa Kohnle’s story is a reminder of how quickly life can change due to unexpected events.

In the public eye, Teresa Kohnle became a symbol of a tragic story involving crime and loss. Understanding her life helps people see the impact of such events on individuals and families. Her case is an example of how personal and legal issues can intertwine in dramatic ways. Let’s explore more about her background to get a clearer picture of her life.

Real Name and Ethnicity

Teresa Kohnle is her real name. She was born on March 20, 1973, in the United States. This makes her 51 years old as of 2024. Teresa is of white ethnicity. Her zodiac sign is Pisces, which is known for its traits of being compassionate and sensitive. The details about her family background or ethnicity are not widely known, as Teresa has kept much of her personal life private.

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Her ethnicity is a part of her identity, but in her case, it is not the main focus. Instead, the significant aspects of her life revolve around the events that happened later. The public mainly knows her for the serious legal issues she faced rather than her ethnic background. This focus on her actions and the outcomes of her case often overshadows other personal details.

Understanding her real name and ethnicity provides some background, but the more dramatic and well-known aspects of her life are related to the charges and the tragic incident. This focus on her public life shows how certain events can define a person more than other aspects of their identity.

Early Life and Education

Teresa Kohnle’s early life and education details are not well-documented in the public domain. It is known that she was born and raised in the United States, but specific details about where she grew up or her educational background are not widely available. Teresa has chosen to keep these parts of her life private.

What is known is that Teresa worked as a massage therapist. This career choice indicates that she had some training or education related to health and wellness. However, the specifics of her education are not clear. The focus on her life tends to be more about her role in the events of 2007 rather than her early years.

The lack of detailed information about her early life and education means that most of what is known about Teresa comes from her professional life and the tragic events that followed. Her personal history before these events remains largely private and less discussed in the public domain.

Husband and Boyfriend

Teresa Kohnle was married to James Kohnle. They met when Teresa started working at his chiropractic office as a massage therapist. Despite their 20-year age difference, they fell in love and got married in 1997. Their relationship was significant in her life, as they were married for about a decade before the tragic event in 2007.

James Kohnle was a chiropractor in Dalton, Georgia. The couple lived and worked together, with Teresa helping in his chiropractic office. They had two children together, Caleb and Allison. Their life together seemed stable until the fire that led to James’s death.

The tragic event that led to Teresa’s arrest involved her husband, making their relationship a central part of the story. Their marriage and family life were significant aspects of her life before the incident that changed everything.

Parents and Siblings

Details about Teresa Kohnle’s parents and siblings are not widely known. She has kept information about her family background private. This means that there is limited information available about her early family life and her relationships with her siblings, if she has any.

Most of what is known about Teresa’s family comes from her adult life, especially her relationship with her husband and children. The focus on her family in the public eye is more about her role as a wife and mother rather than details about her parents and siblings.

The lack of information about her family highlights how certain aspects of a person’s life, like legal issues and personal relationships, can become more prominent than other details. Teresa Kohnle’s story is more known for the dramatic events that occurred rather than her family background.

Age, Weight, Height, and Physical Appearance

Teresa Kohnle was born on March 20, 1973, making her 51 years old as of 2024. Information about her weight and height is not publicly available. Physical appearance details are not a major focus in her story, as the emphasis tends to be more on the events surrounding her legal case.

Teresa Kohnle: Life, Career, Net Worth, Height, Bio/Wiki 2024

What is known about her physical appearance is not widely discussed in the public domain. Instead, her age and the events of 2007 are more relevant to her story. Her physical traits are less important in the context of the dramatic events that brought her into the spotlight.

The details about her age give a general idea of her life stage, but her physical appearance is not a major part of her public story. The focus remains on the legal issues and personal tragedies that defined her recent years.


Before the tragic events of 2007, Teresa Kohnle worked as a massage therapist. She worked at the Alpha Wellness Center in Dalton, Georgia, which was owned by her husband, James Kohnle. This job was a significant part of her life, as it was where she worked closely with her husband.

Her career as a massage therapist indicates she had some training in health and wellness. However, her career took a dramatic turn when the tragic fire occurred. The focus on her career before 2007 is overshadowed by the legal issues that followed.

Teresa’s career and professional life were intertwined with her personal life, especially with her husband’s chiropractic practice. The combination of her job and personal relationships played a significant role in the events that led to her becoming a public figure.

Social Media Presence

Teresa Kohnle has kept a low profile on social media. There is little information about her social media presence, which suggests she may not be active online or prefers to keep her personal life private. This lack of social media activity is consistent with her overall private approach to her life.

The focus on Teresa’s story has been more about the serious legal issues she faced rather than her online presence. Social media details are not a major part of her public story, as the legal case has been the primary focus.

Her limited or non-existent social media presence reflects her desire to keep personal details private. The lack of online activity contributes to the focus on the more dramatic aspects of her life, such as the events of 2007.

Nationality and Religion

Teresa Kohnle is American by nationality. Her religion is not widely known or discussed in the public domain. Details about her religious beliefs or practices are private and have not been a major part of the public focus.

Her nationality is a basic fact about her identity, but her religion remains personal and not widely shared. The emphasis in her public story has been more about her actions and the legal issues rather than her personal beliefs.

The focus on her nationality and religion is minimal compared to the dramatic events that defined her recent years. Her personal beliefs are private, and the public interest has been more about the legal case and its impact on her life.

Net Worth

Information about Teresa Kohnle’s net worth is not publicly available. Given the nature of her case and the focus on her legal issues, financial details are not a major part of her public story. The emphasis has been more on her personal and legal circumstances rather than her financial status.

Teresa Kohnle: Life, Career, Net Worth, Height, Bio/Wiki 2024

Her net worth is not a significant aspect of her public identity, as the events of 2007 have been the primary focus. Financial details are not widely discussed or known in relation to her story.

The lack of information about her net worth highlights how certain aspects of a person’s life, such as legal issues and personal tragedies, can overshadow financial details.

Legacy and Impact

Teresa Kohnle’s legacy is largely defined by the tragic events of 2007. The serious nature of her case, involving felony murder and arson, has impacted her reputation and public perception. Her story is a reminder of how dramatic events can shape a person’s legacy.

The impact of her case extends to how it affects public views on similar crimes. The tragic loss and legal issues surrounding her story contribute to discussions about crime and its consequences. Teresa’s story has become a case study in the broader context of criminal justice and personal tragedy.

Her legacy is intertwined with the serious nature of her case, affecting how people remember her. The impact of her story is significant in discussions about crime and its effects on individuals and families.


Details about Teresa Kohnle’s hobbies are not widely known. Given the focus on her legal issues and personal life, information about her interests and activities outside of these events is limited. Her public story does not highlight her hobbies or personal interests.

The lack of information about her hobbies reflects how certain aspects of a person’s life, such as legal issues, can overshadow other details. Teresa’s story is more known for the dramatic events that took place rather than her personal interests.

If there were any hobbies or interests, they are not widely discussed or publicized. The focus remains on the legal and personal aspects of her life, leaving little information about her hobbies.

Interesting Facts

  • Teresa Kohnle was born on March 20, 1973, making her a Pisces.
  • She worked as a massage therapist at her husband’s chiropractic office.
  • Teresa and James Kohnle were married for about ten years before the tragic incident.


Q: What happened to Teresa Kohnle in 2007?

A: In 2007, Teresa Kohnle was arrested for felony murder and first-degree arson in connection with a fire that led to the death of her husband, James Kohnle.

Q: How old is Teresa Kohnle?

A: Teresa Kohnle was born on March 20, 1973, making her 51 years old as of 2024.

Q: What was Teresa Kohnle’s profession?

A: Teresa Kohnle worked as a massage therapist at the Alpha Wellness Center in Dalton, Georgia.

Q: Does Teresa Kohnle have any social media accounts?

A: Teresa Kohnle has kept a low profile, and there is no widely known information about her social media presence.


Teresa Kohnle’s life has been marked by significant and dramatic events. From her work as a massage therapist to the tragic incident in 2007, her story is a complex one. While many details about her early life and personal interests remain private, the focus has been on the serious legal issues she faced. Her case highlights how personal and legal challenges can shape a person’s public life and legacy.


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