Khao Manee: Info, Diet, Temperament’s, Cares & Characterstics

Khao Manee: Info, Diet, Temperament’s, Cares & Characterstics


The Khao Manee, often called the “Diamond Eye” cat, is a unique and rare breed of cat that hails from Thailand. This beautiful cat has a special place in Thai culture, dating back hundreds of years. People have admired the Khao Manee for its striking white coat and sparkling eyes, which can be blue, gold, or even odd-colored, where one eye is blue and the other is gold. This eye-catching feature is what gives the cat its nickname, “Diamond Eye.”

The Khao Manee is not just beautiful but also full of personality. These cats are known for being very playful and curious. They love to explore their surroundings and can sometimes be a bit mischievous, getting into things they shouldn’t. However, their playful nature is always paired with a friendly and gentle temperament. They enjoy interacting with people and are known to be very affectionate with their families.

This breed is also very social and loves being around people. Khao Manee cats do not like being left alone for long periods and can become lonely if they don’t get enough attention. They thrive in households where there is always someone to play with or cuddle. Their social nature makes them great companions for families, including those with children and other pets. The Khao Manee is a loyal and loving cat that will quickly become a beloved member of any family.


Khao Manee cats are known for their unique and charming characteristics that make them stand out from other breeds. One of the most noticeable features of the Khao Manee is its short, smooth, and pure white coat. The white fur gives them a clean and elegant appearance, making them look like little snowflakes. This coat is easy to care for, requiring minimal grooming to keep it looking pristine.

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Another characteristic that sets the Khao Manee apart is their eyes. The Khao Manee is famous for having beautiful, sparkling eyes that can be blue, gold, or odd-colored. Odd-colored eyes, where one eye is blue and the other is gold, are particularly prized and make these cats look even more special. Their eyes are not just beautiful to look at but also give the Khao Manee an alert and intelligent expression.

Khao Manee cats are also known for their lively and playful personality. They are very curious and love to explore their environment, making them excellent adventurers in the home. These cats are always on the move, whether they are chasing a toy, climbing a cat tree, or playing with their favorite human. Despite their playful nature, Khao Manee cats are also very affectionate. They love to be close to their owners, often following them around the house and seeking attention. This mix of playfulness and affection makes the Khao Manee a delightful companion for anyone who loves cats.


The history of the Khao Manee cat is as fascinating as the cat itself. This breed has been a part of Thai culture for hundreds of years, and its origins can be traced back to ancient times. The Khao Manee is mentioned in a Thai book of poems called the “Tamra Maew,” which is an ancient manuscript that describes various breeds of Thai cats. This shows that the Khao Manee has been cherished in Thailand for a very long time.

In the past, Khao Manee cats were considered to be a symbol of good luck and prosperity. They were often kept by royalty and wealthy families who believed that these cats would bring them wealth and happiness. Because of this, the Khao Manee was not widely known outside of Thailand for many years. It wasn’t until the late 20th century that the breed started to gain recognition in other parts of the world.

Today, the Khao Manee is still a rare breed, but it is gaining popularity among cat lovers who are drawn to its unique appearance and charming personality. Breeders are working to preserve the breed and introduce it to more people around the world. Even though it is rare, the Khao Manee continues to be a beloved breed in Thailand and is now appreciated by cat enthusiasts everywhere.

Khao Manee Care

Taking care of a Khao Manee cat involves a combination of attention, love, and regular maintenance to keep them healthy and happy. One of the first things to know about Khao Manee care is that these cats require a lot of social interaction. They are very affectionate and love spending time with their owners. If left alone for too long, they can become lonely and even develop separation anxiety. So, it’s important to spend plenty of time playing with and cuddling your Khao Manee.

Grooming is another important aspect of Khao Manee care, though it’s relatively simple due to their short coat. Their white fur is easy to keep clean with regular brushing. Brushing not only helps remove loose hairs but also keeps their coat looking shiny and healthy. Bathing is rarely necessary unless they get into something messy. Regularly checking and cleaning their ears, trimming their nails, and brushing their teeth are also important to keep them in good health.

In addition to grooming and social interaction, providing a proper diet is crucial for the well-being of a Khao Manee. These cats are active and playful, so they need a diet that supports their energy levels. Feeding them high-quality cat food with the right balance of nutrients will help keep them healthy and full of energy. It’s also important to provide plenty of fresh water and monitor their weight to avoid obesity. By giving your Khao Manee the care they need, you’ll ensure that they live a long, happy, and healthy life.

Khao Manee Health Problems

While the Khao Manee is generally a healthy and robust breed, like all cats, they can be prone to certain health problems. One of the most common issues for Khao Manee cats, particularly those with blue eyes, is deafness. Some Khao Manee cats with blue eyes can be born deaf in one or both ears. However, this does not affect their ability to live a happy and fulfilling life. They simply adapt to their environment using their other senses.

Khao Manee: Info, Diet, Temperament’s, Cares & Characterstics

Another health concern for Khao Manee cats is their susceptibility to skin issues. Because they have a pure white coat, they are more prone to sunburn, especially if they spend a lot of time outdoors. It’s important to limit their exposure to direct sunlight and provide shaded areas where they can relax without getting too much sun. If you notice any redness or irritation on their skin, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian to ensure it’s nothing serious.

Khao Manee cats can also face the same health issues as other breeds, such as dental problems, obesity, and urinary tract issues. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to catch any potential health problems early. Keeping up with vaccinations, flea and tick prevention, and dental care will help keep your Khao Manee in good health. By being aware of these potential health issues and taking preventive measures, you can ensure that your Khao Manee lives a long and healthy life.

Khao Manee Appearance

The Khao Manee cat has a striking and unforgettable appearance that sets it apart from other breeds. One of the most notable features of the Khao Manee is its pure white coat. The fur is short, smooth, and soft to the touch, giving the cat a sleek and elegant look. The white coat is considered a symbol of purity and is one of the reasons why this breed is so highly prized.

Another defining feature of the Khao Manee is its eyes. The breed is famous for having bright, sparkling eyes that can be blue, gold, or even odd-colored, where one eye is blue and the other is gold. These beautiful eyes are what give the Khao Manee its nickname, “Diamond Eye.” The eyes of a Khao Manee are almond-shaped and set at a slight angle, adding to the cat’s alert and intelligent expression.

In addition to its white coat and striking eyes, the Khao Manee has a well-proportioned and athletic body. They are medium-sized cats with a strong, muscular build, which reflects their active and playful nature. Their legs are slender but strong, and they have a long, tapering tail that adds to their graceful appearance. Overall, the Khao Manee is a beautiful and elegant cat that captivates anyone who sees it.

Khao Manee Diet and Nutrition

Feeding your Khao Manee the right diet is important to ensure they stay healthy and full of energy. Because they are active and playful cats, they need a diet that supports their energetic lifestyle. High-quality commercial cat food that is rich in protein is a good choice for Khao Manee cats. Look for cat food that lists meat as the first ingredient, as this will provide the necessary protein to support their muscles and overall health.

In addition to protein, Khao Manee cats also need a balanced diet that includes fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Fats provide energy and help keep their coat shiny and healthy, while vitamins and minerals support their overall well-being. It’s important to feed your Khao Manee a diet that is specifically formulated for cats, as this will ensure they get the right nutrients in the right amounts.

Fresh water is also essential for your Khao Manee. Make sure they always have access to clean water, and encourage them to drink regularly. This will help prevent urinary tract issues, which can be a concern for cats. It’s also important to monitor their weight and avoid overfeeding, as obesity can lead to other health problems. By providing a balanced and nutritious diet, you’ll help your Khao Manee live a long and healthy life.

Where to Adopt or Buy

If you’re interested in bringing a Khao Manee cat into your home, there are a few options for adopting or buying one. Because Khao Manee cats are rare, it may take some time and effort to find one, but the reward is worth it. One option is to adopt a Khao Manee from a rescue organization or shelter. Although it’s rare to find this breed in shelters, it’s not impossible. Some breed-specific rescues may have Khao Manee cats available for adoption.

Another option is to buy a Khao Manee from a reputable breeder. When looking for a breeder, it’s important to do your research and find one who is ethical and cares about the health and well-being of their cats. A good breeder will provide you with information about the cat’s health history, vaccinations, and any potential health issues. They should also allow you to visit their cattery and meet the kitten’s parents to see how the cats are raised.

If you’re unable to find a Khao Manee in your area, you may need to expand your search to breeders in other regions or even other countries. However, be cautious when dealing with long-distance breeders and always verify their credentials before making a purchase. Whether you choose to adopt or buy, bringing a Khao Manee into your home will be a rewarding experience that adds a special and unique member to your family.

Price and Cost

The Khao Manee is a rare and unique breed, and because of this, they can be quite expensive. The cost of a Khao Manee kitten from a reputable breeder can range from $2,000 to $5,000 or even more, depending on various factors such as the cat’s eye color, pedigree, and the breeder’s reputation. Kittens with odd-colored eyes, where one eye is blue and the other is gold, are often more expensive due to their rarity and desirability.

Khao Manee: Info, Diet, Temperament’s, Cares & Characterstics

In addition to the initial purchase price, there are other costs to consider when bringing a Khao Manee into your home. These include the cost of food, litter, toys, and regular veterinary care. It’s important to factor in these ongoing expenses to ensure you can provide for your cat’s needs throughout its life. Regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive care are essential to keeping your Khao Manee healthy, and these costs can add up over time.

If you choose to adopt a Khao Manee from a rescue organization, the adoption fee will likely be much lower than buying from a breeder, usually ranging from $100 to $300. However, finding a Khao Manee in a shelter or rescue can be challenging due to their rarity. Whether you choose to adopt or buy, it’s important to budget for the ongoing costs of caring for your Khao Manee and ensure you can provide them with a happy and healthy life.

Khao Manee Pros and Cons


  • Unique Appearance: The Khao Manee has a beautiful white coat and striking eyes that make them stand out.
  • Friendly and Social: These cats are very affectionate and enjoy being around people, making them great companions.
  • Playful and Active: Khao Manee cats are full of energy and love to play, providing endless entertainment.


  • Expensive: Due to their rarity, Khao Manee cats can be quite expensive to purchase.
  • Health Concerns: Khao Manee cats, especially those with blue eyes, may be prone to deafness and other health issues.

Interesting Facts

  • Ancient Roots: The Khao Manee has been mentioned in ancient Thai literature, dating back hundreds of years.
  • Diamond Eyes: Their nickname, “Diamond Eye,” comes from their beautiful, sparkling eyes, which can be blue, gold, or odd-colored.
  • Rare Breed: The Khao Manee is still considered a rare breed and is not commonly found outside of Thailand.
  • Social Butterflies: Khao Manee cats love being around people and do not like being left alone for long periods.
  • White Coat: Their pure white coat is a signature trait, making them easily recognizable.
  • Adaptable: Despite their royal history, Khao Manee cats can adapt well to various living environments, as long as they get enough attention.
  • Odd-Eyed Wonders: Odd-eyed Khao Manee cats, with one blue eye and one gold eye, are especially prized and considered even more special.


Q: Are Khao Manee cats good with children?
A: Yes, Khao Manee cats are very friendly and get along well with children. They are playful and gentle, making them great companions for kids.

Q: Do Khao Manee cats need a lot of grooming?
A: No, Khao Manee cats have a short coat that is easy to care for. Regular brushing once or twice a week is usually enough to keep their coat clean and healthy.

Q: Can Khao Manee cats be left alone?
A: Khao Manee cats are very social and do not like being left alone for long periods. They thrive in homes where someone is around to give them attention and play with them.

Q: Are Khao Manee cats prone to any health problems?
A: While Khao Manee cats are generally healthy, some may be prone to deafness, especially those with blue eyes. Regular veterinary care can help catch and manage any potential health issues.

Q: How much does a Khao Manee cat cost?
A: The price of a Khao Manee cat can range from $2,000 to $5,000 or more, depending on factors like eye color and pedigree. Adopting from a rescue organization can be a more affordable option, but these cats are rare in shelters.

Q: What makes Khao Manee cats special?
A: Khao Manee cats are special because of their unique appearance, with a pure white coat and sparkling eyes. They also have a long history in Thai culture and are known for their friendly and social nature.


The Khao Manee is a truly special and unique breed of cat with a rich history and striking appearance. Their pure white coat and beautiful eyes make them stand out, while their friendly and affectionate personality makes them wonderful companions. Whether you are drawn to their ancient Thai roots or their playful and loving nature, the Khao Manee is a breed that will capture your heart.

Caring for a Khao Manee requires attention, love, and regular care to keep them healthy and happy. While they may be more expensive than other breeds, the joy and companionship they bring make them worth the investment. With their loyal and social nature, Khao Manee cats are sure to become a beloved member of any family lucky enough to have one.

If you’re considering bringing a Khao Manee into your home, be prepared to give them plenty of attention and love.


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